User Management for Bitbucket is largely identical the versions for Confluence and Jira, except for a few changes due to the inherit differences between the applications.

Deactivating users

In Confluence and Jira there is a concept of deactivating (sometimes called disabling) users. Deactivating a user prevents that user from logging in or really doing anything at all in the application, but retains their data and won't remove any content they've created. It is a less extreme alternative to deleting a user. In Bitbucket there is no deactivating users, at least not in quite the same way. This means that in Scheduled User Actions and Bulk User Actions there is no deactivate action in Bitbucket. However you can still delete users. You can also use the remove application groups action to remove the user from all groups which give them log in access, this has a similar effect to deactivating a user as they won't be able to log in to Bitbucket (unless they have individually been granted the log in permission).

Additional user information

This is a feature we have in User Management for Confluence and Jira, but it is absent in Bitbucket. Unlike Jira and Confluence, Bitbucket doesn't have the native user properties which we use as a base for this feature. We may bring it over eventually, but it will require some additional work to implement.

Frequently asked questions (you're not crazy, there is only one question right now)

Does a user authenticating via a git client count as logging in for the purposes of User Management?

Yes. If a user authenticates via git then this will count and be tracked as a log in, just the same as if they logged into Bitbucket in their browser.

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User Management for Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket

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