Setup Overview:

Once User Management has been installed from the Atlassian marketplace you will be presented with the 'Getting Started' page, alternatively this page can be found by navigating to the "Apps" ('1' in the image below) menu within Jira's header at the top of the page or on the left hand side Apps menu found via Settings → Apps ('2' in the image below)

User Management Steps Overview:

  1. Connecting to a source
  2. Configuring your search filter
  3. Choosing which action to perform on your users
  4. Reviewing the results within the run logs.

In order for user management to be able to interact with your Jira Cloud or Atlassian Access organisation users you'll need to navigate to the Sources page.

Connecting a Source

Connecting to a source enables you to manage users on your Jira Cloud instance or Atlassian Access organisation from within the User Management app.

After pressing the Add Source button, you'll be shown a form

For a Jira Cloud Instance:

  • Source Name: How it will be displayed in the app.
  • Connection Type: Jira Cloud.
  • Jira URL: The full URL of your Jira Cloud Instance (pre-populated).
  • User Email: Admin email for the Jira Cloud site.
  • API Key: Generate this by clicking the "here" link or by navigating to > Security > Create and Manage API Tokens.

For a Atlassian Access Organization:

  • Source Name: How it will be displayed in the app.
  • Connection Type: Access.
  • API Key: Generate this from > Select Organization > Settings > API Key.
  • Expiration Date: API Keys are valid for a year. Note the expiration for timely updates.

Bulk User Actions

After configuring a source you can now navigate to the Bulk User Actions Page on the left side panel.

  1. Ensure that you are on the source you have just configured by verifying the source in the top right hand side is highlighted, as shown in the screenshot below.
  2. Use the provided filters and click the 'Filter' button to narrow down the list of users. FAQ for supported filters.
  3. Check the checkbox next to the users you want to perform the action on, then click 'Confirm Selection'.
  4. To proceed to the select action screen, click 'Confirm Selection'.

Perform Action

After confirming the users you wish to perform actions on, you can now select which action to perform. The available actions differ between Jira Cloud and Atlassian Access Organisations and can be found here

After selecting which action you wish to perform, some filters have additional configuration required or additional confirmation screens on the action being performed before proceeding. The below example is from the add or remove groups selection which requires you to select the groups you wish the selected users to join or remove.

After confirming which groups to select or join and proceeding to the next screen, you'll be presented with a confirmation screen.

After clicking 'confirm' the action will run.

Run log review

Once the bulk user action has finished, the results can be reviewed within the 'Run logs' section. This can be found by either clicking 'View latest run log' button once the action has finished or by navigating to 'Run logs' within Jira's App menu under User Management

  1. Run log filters
    1. These filters allow you to filter your run logs based on the various action types.
  2. View individual run logs
    1. From within the view run log screen you are able to view the results on the bulk user action to see if it has passed or failed. If an action has failed, there is an additional 'details' button that will open a model that displays more information on that action
  3. Bulk delete run logs 

Viewing an individual run log

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TechTime User Management for Jira Cloud

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