What is it? 

In a usual reverse proxy setup the proxy is configured to list the original client's IP address in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header. EasySSO IP filtering allows you to filter (allowlist and blocklist) by the IP address of the client mentioned in the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header as well as by the IP address of the proxy. The cases of proxy being remote (located on another machine) and being local (located on the same machine) are both supported.

In a scenario with multiple proxies each subsequent proxy adds its client IP address to the comma-separated list in X-Forwarded-For header. EasySSO IP Filtering allows to filter by any of the listed IP addresses - if any IP address in the list matches the allowlist or the blocklist rule the request will be treated accordingly.

You only need to add the relevant IP address(es) to the allowlist or the blocklist in EasySSO IP Filtering tab. There is no additional configuration needed for this feature.

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