Build a cloud of labels ranked by level of engagement with the labeled content



It is often useful to know what content is most active in a space. TechTime WordCloud provides a visual way to view this information, allowing you to know what is really important to your users.

See the most popular topics

By constructing a word-cloud of labels in that space, you can see the most popular topics. WordCloud weights these labels by size by utilising the smart TechTime PageScore algorithm, which finds the popularity of a page by likes, comments and other metrics. Users can click on a label to find a list of pages which include it.


Advanced macro parameters allow you to customise WordCloud to suit your need - you can include certain labels, or exclude labels you're not interested in. Customise the look-and-feel of the word-cloud by changing the colour of the words.

WordCloud Macro

TechTime WordCloud creates a clouds of tags based on the labels applied to the pages by authors.

The size of the labels correlates with the engagement score of the pages.

Engagement score is calculated by TechTime PageScore app and as such may have different rules/weights assigned within a particular space. By default the score incorporates number of likes, comments, comments likes, replies to comments, reply likes. A page that has attracted more attention by the readers will get a higher score and labels used by the author on this page - will get a bigger size in the word-cloud.

Scores for individual labels are accumulated across all pages where the label has been used. As such ten pages that use the same label and attracted medium engagement score may combine for a bigger sized label representation than one page with a higher score but using a distinct label.

Add WordCloud macro to the page via Insert Other Macro in Confluence Editor or by typing


The following parameters are available for finer control of styling and functionality:

  • Page - allows to choose a root page other than the current one
  • Search by Label(s) - allows to specify a comma-separated list of labels to filter descendants based these
  • Search Operator - allows to specify if all labels must be present on the page to be included ("AND") or if at least one being present is enough ("OR")
  • Exclude Pages with Label(s) - allows to specify a comma-separated list of labels to filter descendants based on these
  • Excluded Operator - allows to specify if all labels must be present on the page to be excluded ("AND") or if at least one being present is enough ("OR")
  • Ignored Labels - allows to specify a comma-separated list of labels to be ignored by the wordcloud even if present on the included pages.
  • ID - allows to specify the word-cloud rectangle (div) HTML "id" attribute for CSS styling, a unique value will be generated if not specified
  • CSS Class - allows to specify the word-cloud rectangle (div) HTML "class" attribute for CSS styling, the default "techtimeWordCloud" will be assigned if not specified
  • Height - allows to specify the word-cloud rectangle (div) height e.g. 250px
  • Width - allows to specify the word-cloud rectangle (div) width e.g. 250px
  • Margin - allows to specify the word-cloud rectangle (div) margins e.g 50px,50px,50px,50px
  • Link colour - the colour of links in the word-cloud e.g. #000000
  • Hover colour - the colour of links when hovering your mouse pointer over the link e.g. #CCCCCC

Modes of operation

  • By default when no page and no search labels are specified the word-cloud will contain all labels taken from the descendants of the current page.
  • If only a page is specified, the word-cloud will contain all labels taken from the descendants of that page
  • When a page is specified, label-based filters (search by labels, exclude by labels, ignore labels) are applied to the descendants of that page
  • If a page is not specified, but search labels are - the cloud will contain all labels taken from the pages in the current space that satisfy search and exclude criteria


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