InĀ Bulk User Actions there is a filter under the "More Filters" link which allows you to upload a .CSV file. This will narrow your search to only include users who are listed in the CSV (in addition to any other filters you specify).

The format requires that your CSV have a header column named "Username". Every cell under that column heading should contain a username. After uploading the CSV only users in your instance whose usernames match one of the names found in the CSV will appear in the search. Here is an example of a CSV file in the correct format. Note that only the "Username" column will have any impact on the search, all other columns are ignored. In the case of the example file the two users with the usernames "testuser1" or "testuser2" will match the filter.

It is also worth noting that the usernames from the CSV are case-sensitive, so if users seem to be missing, it may be worth double checking the CSV has the usernames in the correct case.

Please note on data center products, the current user will be excluded if it appears in the provided CSV. This is to prevent any harmful changes to the account your currently logged in with.

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