This app allows you to log in working time on specific pages in Confluence. The login history on a given page can be previewed and exported to a .csv file. In addition, there is a dashboard (report) in the global view that shows the login work time for the current user.
Some examples when you can find our app useful:
👉 copywriters or analysts, who represent the areas of business and marketing, work mainly in Confluence - they don’t need an access to Jira;
👉 meeting notes are created in Confluence - it’s natural to log work under pages, not switching context to Jira (and creating dedicated issues for the meeting);
👉 external employees who create documents in Confluence without access to Jira - they need a place to log their work for invoice settlement.
Got Feedback?
We are looking for feedback from any type of teams.
Any feedback perspective - sales, marketing, procurement, management, user, just personal feedback on the app itself - will be greatly appreciated.
More information
Please review the rest of of our FAQ, and the list of our Features.
Don't waste time – start tracking time in Confluence now
If you have any configuration questions or ideas for improvements, you can always contact us.
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