Available on all platforms – in Server, Data Center and Cloud

Maps with advanced features such as drawn boundaries, multiple markers, information layers loaded via KML files, can be added to your Confluence pages by inserting a public map created beforehand in Google My Maps.

1. Log in into Google My Maps (https://mapsengine.google.com/map/), create or configure the map as you want it, and click the ⋮ button at the top of the menu

2. Click the 'Embed on my site' option from the dropdown list

3. Copy the 'IFrame' HTML source code text from within the highlighted field

4.  Go to your Confluence page, select the 'Edit' page option and type '/' followed by 'google' or 'map' to open the macro insert menu to find the Google Maps macro. Click on the Google Maps menu item to insert the macro.

5. Click on the pencil icon to edit the macro settings

6. Leave the 'Location Address or Coordinates' field blank

7. Paste the 'HTML' from Step 3 within the 'Embed IFRAME code for public maps' field shown below

8. Leave the Language field blank

9. Leave the Map Type field blank

10. Leave the Zoom field blank

11. Set the maximum width of the map

12. Set the maximum height of the map

13. Click on Save and your map will be embedded within your Confluence page.

14. Enjoy

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Embed Google Maps Pro

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