What are EasyTime Reports?
EasyTime Reports allow you to see how much time your team spends on specific deliverables during a given time period. These reports will give you accurate insights combined with the automatic time tracking capabilities of EasyTime across all of the platforms where your team works.
How do I find the reports page?
If you navigate to a project on Jira you can access EasyTime reports from the side panel.
EasyTime Reports on Jira Cloud
EasyTime Reports on Jira Data Centre or Server
How do I filter the report to show time spent by specific users?
EasyTime Reports allow you to filter by any user with an account on your Jira instance. You can simply search for your required users and select them from the drop-down menu.
What other filters can I apply to my report?
EasyTime Reports allow for any arbitrary filter to be defined using the Jira Query Language (JQL). This powerful tool allows you to customise your report to only include time spent on issues that satisfy your criteria. Here are some common JQL filters that you might use:
Filter by issueType. For example, you can see how much time your software team is spending on fixing bugs for each deliverable using: issueType = Bug
Filter to only see work that is completed using: resolution != unresolved
Got Feedback?
We are looking for feedback from both profit-focused (consulting) and cost-centre (IT, support) type of teams.
Any feedback perspective - sales, marketing, procurement, management, user, just personal feedback on the idea itself - will be greatly appreciated.
More information
Find EasyTime on Atlassian Marketplace, install via UPM, do the minimal configuration as per our Getting Started with EasyTime guide, review our Glossary, our FAQ and the full list of EasyTime Features. Enjoy consistent and accurate timesheets in real-time.
For relaxing times – make it EasyTime.
If you have any configuration questions or ideas for improvements, you can always contact us.
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