Available filters and actions for each source.

Available Filters



Jira Cloud

Atlassian Access


Email Address
Full Name
User Directory

User Status
Last Login  - Based on date provided

Login History - All, Logged in before, Never Logged in

Filter users based on CSV file


  • Filtering based on last login / login history can be delayed by up to 24 hours due to Atlassian limitations.
  • Atlassian Access can only select and act on managed users.

Available Actions



Jira Cloud

Atlassian Access

Add or remove groups from users
Remove application access groups

Deactivate users
Reactivate users
Delete these users
Change directory

Create Jira issues

Invalidate users password


  • On Jira Cloud - Delete will only delete the user from the site. If the account is managed, it will not be deleted from the organisation's managed accounts.

Pair User Management with EasySSO for the Atlassian Suite. Visit the Atlassian Marketplace for more information.




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User Management for Jira, Confluence and Bitbucket

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