Configuration Options

EasySSO provides four look-and-feel configuration options for the SAML Login Button

  1. Button placement
  2. Button look-and-feel
  3. Button text
  4. Redirect message text

The SAML Login Button can be enabled under the "Look and Feel" page:

With the default settings, the SAML Login button will appear as below when visiting your Jira instance. Clicking the button will redirect you to your IdP sign in page. Ensure your configuration is correct with the EasySSO with SAML Configuration page.

Button Placement

The SAML Login button can be placed Above, Below, or Next to Login Button:

  1. Above:
  2. Below:
  3. Next to Login Button (default):

Button Look-and-Feel

The SAML Login button can be configured to be Highlighted/Blue, or Default/Gray:

  1. Highlighted/Blue:
  2. Default/Gray:

Button text

The SAML Login Button text can be configured. In the following images, the configured field and example is shown. 

Button redirect message text

The SAML Login Button message text can be configured for multiple languages for internationalisation. In the following images the messages have been configured and the English example is shown.

More information

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