Bulk user actions allow you to perform changes on several users at once, such as adding them to a group or deleting all users of a specific group.

Step 1 - Select Users

Click on the 'Bulk User Actions' link on the left pane in the Jira or Confluence administration screens. The Bulk User Actions screen begins on the Select Users step and all users, including deactivated ones, are displayed.

Select your source for where your users will be coming from:

  1. Current Instance - The Jira DC Users
  2. All other options are external Sources - You can add an external source by clicking the 'Add Source' button. 

If you want to select a specific group of users, use one or several of the following search criteria to narrow down the users. Please note that when using a Cloud Source some filters may not be available. See FAQ Supported Filters and Actions for Each Source Type for supported filters for External Sources:

  1. Group(s) - start typing and wait until all groups are listed matching your entry, then select the group once it is offered. Add as many groups as you want

  2. Username, Email Address, Full Name - start typing, no wildcards e.g. test1@gmail.com ✅,  test?@gmail.com .

  3. User Directory - select from the dropdown menu.

  4. User Status - Select from the dropdown menu.

  5. Last Login - enter a date manually or select from the calendar.

  6. Click 'Filter' and all users matching your search criteria will be displayed.

Select the relevant users via one of the following methods:

  1. Clicking the 'Select all # users' button selects every user found.

  2. Tick the tick box next to 'Username' to select all the users on the current page.

  3. Tick the tick box next to the user to select the individual user.

Once you have made your choice you need to click 'Confirm selection' to move to the next screen.

Step 2 - Select Action

On the Select Action step choose one of the eight options. See FAQ Supported Filters and Actions for Each Source Type for supported actions for External Sources and Jira Cloud.

  1. 'Add or remove groups from these users' - adds or removes group privileges from the specified users.

  2. 'Remove application access groups' - remove application access groups, keeping the account but removing access to the application and freeing up licenses.

  3. 'Deactivate these users' - deactivates the users.

  4. 'Reactivate these users' - sets the account status to active.

  5. 'Delete these users' - deletes users that are abled to be deleted, and deactivates the rest.

  6. 'Change directory' - allows for users to be copied or moved to other user directories. For more information see User Management - Moving users between directories.

  7. 'Create Jira issues' - create Jira issues. For more information see User Management - Create Jira issues action.

  8. 'Invalidate passwords for these users' - invalidates the passwords for the users.

Press 'Next' to configure your actions.

Step 3 - Configure the Action

If you have selected 'Add or remove groups...' then you will be presented with a field for group(s) to join and a field for group(s) to leave. Start typing in either field and select one or several offered group(s).

If you have selected 'Remove application access groups', 'Deactivate these users' or 'Reactivate these users', then you will skip this step.

If you have selected 'Delete these users' then you will be shown an explanatory screen around which users can be deleted and which ones will need to be deactivated.

If you have selected invalidate passwords for these users, then you will be given the option to send a password reset link to the users.

Press 'Next' to move to the next screen.

Step 4 - Confirm Actions

On the Confirm step you will be shown:

  1. The action you have selected.
  2. The number of users that the action will be performed on.

Click 'Confirm' to perform the action.

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