What is SpacePolicy?

An add-on that enables you to specify terms & conditions for your Confluence space and make your users explicitly accept them.


Why use it?

Many organisations find it is vital to have a code of conduct or policies around how their employees interact in a shared space to prevent disagreements or unwanted behaviour.

Ensuring all users understand these rules is difficult in Confluence, where different spaces can have different policy and there is no in-built support for this.

SpacePolicy will allow you to specify unique rules for each space, and will ensure the users in that space must read and agree to these before being able to access any pages. This reduces the time spent by administrators enforcing rules and provides a more friendly environment for all.

Main features

1. Ensure users read and agree to a space's policy

Users are presented with a pop-up of a space's policy when they first visit the space. Once they agree to it, a cookie will remember this and they will never be hassled again.

2. Configure policy per space

Choose which spaces you want to enforce a policy for. Customise a set of rules and guidelines to suit a certain space.

3. Utilise HTML for more complex policies

You can use any type of HTML tags to make your space policy interesting and easy-to-read. Include images, tables and lists to ensure the user clearly understands.


 How to use it?

Once installed "SpacePolicy Space Admin" tab is available to space administrators.

In the default "Global Look & Feel" theme - it will be under Space Tools/Add-Ons
In the Documentation theme - it will be under Space Admin/Add-Ons in the left panel.

There Space Policy can be enabled per space, and the text of your T&Cs can be specified.

Go to our How to configure page to see a step-by-step guide.

SpacePolicy articles

Purchase from the Atlassian Marketplace

TechTime SpacePolicy
