What is it?

When the browser tabs are in the background, EasyTime stops recording time.

If you have several tabs open on different issues, only the active tab will create time records. The intent is to ensure the resulting timesheets accurately reflect the reality of what the user was doing. When the user switches between tasks, EasyTime follows.

This also means that if the user goes away to work on resolving the issue elsewhere and then comes back, reactivating the tab, EasyTime will automatically attempt to merge sequential work logs silently or perform a "noisy merge" if the gap is too big, including merging based on configured merge options for Higher Priority events and Lower Priority events.

How to configure it?

This behaviour can not be disabled, and the only configuration available is through various merge-related settings:

More information

Find EasyTime on Atlassian Marketplaceinstall via UPM, do the minimal configuration as per our Getting Started with EasyTime guide, review our Glossary, our FAQ  and the full list of EasyTime Features. Enjoy consistent and accurate timesheets in real-time.

If you have any configuration questions or ideas for improvements, you can always contact us.

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EasyTime for Jira Software, Jira Service Desk, Jira Core

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