Why would I need Space Policy?

Do you store business sensitive documents on your Confluence-based Intranet?

Do you have design spaces within your Confluence?

Do you have a team that works on a sensitive piece for the wider business?

If you've answered Yes to any of the above you should use Space Policy and ensure your users are clear on the Terms and Conditions of using a certain space.

Below are some examples of when to use space policies.

Example 1 - Guard your business sensitive data. No more "I didn't know"

Unless you have explicitly stated your terms and conditions these remain an area of interpretation. Whilst the terms and conditions may be covert in your company's code of conduct it doesn't hurt to state them explicitly, especially if it means guarding your business sensitive data. No more: "I didn't know." Users can only proceed to a space if they explicitly agree to the terms and conditions.

Example 2 - Design Spaces 

Designing the latest and greatest and need to have a space where people can come up with ideas without getting blasted before the idea takes shape? Let your users know this explicitly: "Don't shoot down others' ideas. Build upon them. This is not an "either/or" space, this is a "both+and" space." 

Example 3 - Safety guidelines for specific spaces

Think of Space Policy as the sign announcing what safety measures have to be undertaken. If a space goes beyond your usual code of conduct then Space Policy is your sign to the users spelling out these additional safety measures.

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